Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Cool Thought...

I just had to post this for all of us who was able to attend/work this past weekend at Tres Dias!! Read it to see how awesome God is ---again!!!!

A Grace-Filled Woman

Jul 21st, 2008 by wofblog

I want to become the full-grown, fully mature, grace-filled woman that God envisioned before I was even born.
I want to be the full-size, grown-up version of that wonder-filled baby girl He knit together in my mother’s womb.
I want to be so in tune with Him and His thoughts and ideas for me that I can know and celebrate on a daily basis that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I want His dream for me to be a reality. . . .
This great God of ours works in us to make us all we can be. He does not just sit on the sidelines waiting for us to trip up while we try to be a bigger girl than we are. He just longs for us to grow and live each season of our lives to the max, and He empowers us to do it if we really want to.
That’s what being a Big Girl is all about: living life to the fullest in all ways, in all places, and in all situations.

Jan Silvious

Excerpted from Glimmers of Grace: Sparkling Reminders to Encourage You © 2008 Women of Faith, Inc. All rights reserved.


The Wild World of Richmond said...

Jennifer, what a cool excerpt and very timely. Funny how God puts us all on the same page at just the right time. I hope your weekend was a huge success. I wanted to get some palanca to you guys, but life took over. I hope you know that I prayer palanca-ed you all weekend...your sister,too!!!

Tammy Howard said...

What a great thought!

I got so much out of working the weekend. It's such a blessing to see the changes that come over those 3 days. Wow, what a God thing.

God really gave me a great time of spiritual refreshment during the weekend too, and I really needed that more than I knew.

God is so good!!!


Bridenstine4 said...

Thanks for sharing that. It's a "many time" read. Each time I read it, something different stands out.

Jenn said...

Jennifer, I found your blog through Beth Moore's blog. This comment is unrelated to your post though. I'm a part of the group from Dalton First Baptist that is also doing the "No More Gods" study by Kelly Minter. I've got a t-shirt to commemorate this bible study and quite a few other studies. I wanted to know if your group might be interested, but wasn't sure how to contact you? (I work at Shaw, btw!) If you'd at least like to see the shirt, you can email me at or call me 706-275-1081 (wk) or 706-518-0056 (cell). If you do email me, just put t-shirt in the subject line! I really (and our group really) loved your video!! Be Blessed... and I hope to hear from you soon!